Creepy Stratus fractus

Well, that cloud WAS “creeping” toward us after suddenly appearing on Pusch Ridge at dawn…  Looky here:   ———– With Halloween only 10 and half months away, I thought I would “get in the mood” and make up a little creepy-ness for the little kids who read this blog. Hi, kids! Hope you didn’t get… Continue reading Creepy Stratus fractus

Yesterday’s drizzle

Some rare drizzle precip1 fell yesterday.  Suggests clouds were pretty “clean”, that is,  didn’t have much aerosol loading and the concentrations of droplets in them was low (likely less than 100 cm-3) Also likely, in view of the recent strong winds, some of the aerosols in those clouds might have been large dust particles2 rather… Continue reading Yesterday’s drizzle

Cirrus at 40,000; a science story about a death prediction

Here they are: Still no rain in the two week model “headlights”…and believe me I look for it. A science story While we’re waiting for “weather”, I thought I would partially bore you with another science story. I am supposed to be dead by now, well, within 5-10 years after 2003 due to the development… Continue reading Cirrus at 40,000; a science story about a death prediction

Miriam’s sunset

At least former hurricane Miriam gave us a nice sunset of mostly layer ice clouds (Cirrostratus; Altostratus (where thicker).  Note portion of halo, upper center, above pointy-top cedar tree on the horizon.  Looks a broken streak of droplet clouds (Cirrocumulus) just below that  bit of halo. Today’s overcast of Altocumulus and Stratocumulus, also associated with… Continue reading Miriam’s sunset

Not expected, but it missed anyway

Woke up to Cumulonimbus clouds NW-N of Catalina.  Hmmm.  Here’s the unexpected, pretty sight just after sunrise:   Well, the end of the story (told in the captions) is that a windshift producing this line of heavy Cu and a Cb or two and it “struck” Catalina about 11 AM;  the wind turned from the… Continue reading Not expected, but it missed anyway

On a clear day you can see Flagstaff

Of course, you can’t see the TOWN of Flagstaff, you silly person, the title was just a hook to get you here to read about clouds!  The earth curves too much for you to see Flagstaff, for Pete’s Sake. How could you even imagine that such a title could be true? But, you CAN see… Continue reading On a clear day you can see Flagstaff

Montford’s The Hockey Stick Illusion, p269: climate change meets cloud seeding

“McIntyre’s first step in trying to replicate a paper was to collate the data.   While data might be cited correctly and accurately in the papers, it was always possible that what had been used was different in some way to the official versions, whether due to an error in the archive or one made… Continue reading Montford’s The Hockey Stick Illusion, p269: climate change meets cloud seeding

The FAA and the Ideals of Science

  Today, its not unusual to see researchers publishing seemingly important findings in journals accompanied by a global news release at the time the article appears.  At this point, such research has perhaps been reviewed prior to journal publication by only several individuals. However, it has become fairly common for researchers asscociated with globally impactful… Continue reading The FAA and the Ideals of Science

What’s Up with This?

Got pretty mad yesterday when I saw this overhead in some Altocumulus perlucidus clouds.  You’ll have to hold your monitor or Ipad, or cell phone, or whatever, over your head to see it EXACTLY the way I saw this because it WAS overhead;  straight up.  (Actually, doing 3 sets of 12 might be good for… Continue reading What’s Up with This?