That title should draw in the UFO crowd, cause a big spike in blog ratings…. Maybe get some ads now, $$$$.
The article purports, too, that meteorites landed “north of Tucson.” Who knows what life forms might be on them….?
Here’s what the remnant trail looked like from Catalinaland about an hour or less after it entered the “atmosphere”, 60-100 miles above us:
At first I thought it was a rocket trail, which I have seen resulting from Vandenberg missle firings, having lived in southern Cal. But then, upon further reflection, that couldn’t be right, considering our location, unless North Korea had done something after threatening us so many times with nuclear attacks (see p8 of the AZ Star about a month ago–not that important to be threatened with a nuke I guess if its on p8.)
Then, I thought maybe it was space debris, the Int. Space Station might have fallen out of orbit.
Was finally relieved to hear that it was an asteroid, though if was a bigger than “tens of tons” as NASA claims, it might have blown up all of Arizona.
Isn’t an asteroid calamity is what ended pretty much all life 65 million years ago when a giant one hit down there in the Yucatan area?
And, “hey” why didn’t we hear in advance that something tens of tons in mass was heading our way by our space monitoring folks? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Well, there you have it.
Super Devil Hits Catalina (June 1st); no injuries reported