Its not something a weather-centric sailor would say, but its what happened yesterday before today’s certain storm. Maybe sailors should consider it…but with no cussing, though.
The Weatherunderground weather site forecast for Catalina has 0.58 inches predicted for our storm. Such forecasts, I have to say, are “objective” and are based are model outputs that yo-yo forecasts every time a new model output comes in.
To educate you on how bad this is, why just yesterday, based on the SAME model but a different set of global data, the model said we would have, 0.59 inches. So, its already changing our forecast, diminishing it! How bad is that?
The problem with those forecasts is that they are heavy with “objectivity”; there is no human intervention. Its the work of a robot of sorts. And we know what robots are doing to the economy and jobs.
Here, straight from a human heart, we had a forecast of 0.33 inches total from this storm, one laden with emotion and often based on wishful thinking when large amounts are forecast. They’re often, based, too, on pattern recognition (“looks like that storm that brought us that much last time, or look where the core of the jet stream is!”)1
That forecast of 0.33 inches in the gauges right here in Sutherland Heights is not going to change just because some new data came in!
So, which one do you want? A forecast that yo-yos every few hours as demonstrated by the Weather Underground one? Or one that stands tall against new data?
I think the answer is obvious.
OK, enough about “robots” and weather; on to yesterday’s afternoon billows:

Well, there you have it, another tediuous contribution from the CMP.
The End here, but the beginning of the next storm!
1Analogs to previous weather patterns are also part of the forecasting arsenal used by computers and other forecasters these days.