
5:54 AM. What are these rays called?
2:14 PM. Where am I?  The heaviest rain in all of Arizona fell here yesterday.
5:29 PM. Why wasn’t it raining on the Catalinas from these dark clouds?
6:16 PM. Where is virga and snow falling out? “If you miss one more, you’ll be out.”
7:19 PM. “Who was buried in Grant’s Tomb?”  A nice sunset, as almost always here, with a little snow virga hanging down from dense Altocumulus clouds















The weather ahead.

Rain in the area, the models say, every day for the next few days.  Check here and with Bob (our local expert), who seems to be mad a lot, even titling his blog, “madweather.”  I guess he’s not afraid, like some men, of showing his emotions.   I get mad myself, but usually its when it doesn’t rain on me that day.