…forgetting about the weather immediately ahead, which everyone already knows about so its no fun to talk about: “Yeah, I heard about that already,” your neighbors will say, end of conversation, even if you’re not done if you talk about weather everybody already knows about. Its hurtful, too. It would be better if they pretended… Continue reading Here’s something interesting….
Category: Conversational Meteorology
Thunder on the mountains!
Began at 1:15 PM, ended at 1:40 PM. Then, a second round at 3:58 PM. Nothing more on tap today through June. Thought, too, since there’s been a lot of talk about the Southwest monsoon lately in the media, we’d check on that and see how its doing: Hmmm. Not so well so far. Is… Continue reading Thunder on the mountains!
Creepin’ Cirrus; pedantry on display
“Storms” at 30,000 feet, single ice crystals falling from various varieties and species of Cirrus clouds. That’s about all we got for “weather” in the next few days as Cirrus creeps up from the tropics into Arizona. But those Cirrus produce great sunrises and sunsets, so have camera ready. And while not much is happening,… Continue reading Creepin’ Cirrus; pedantry on display
Clouds go round and round with a sprinkle-rain landing close by last night
One of the things I like to do when I am wrong, yesterday having predicted a trace to a few hundredths of rain last night from that disturbance going by to the south, is to spend a LOT of time talking about how close I was. Its true the zuperkomputer, the Beowulf Cluster, at our… Continue reading Clouds go round and round with a sprinkle-rain landing close by last night
New tee shirt offering; distant weather to write about
Some 8 days ago a spaghetti plot indicated with confidence that a “warm in the West”, “cool in the East” pattern would develop. Well it has materialized. Thanks to Hamweather, this chart shows the records set with that pattern so far. They’re not so numerous, but the forecast of a strong trough off the West Coast… Continue reading New tee shirt offering; distant weather to write about
Rain: its out of mind, but not out of sight
The summer rain season has departed from us here in Catalina, but its still evident on the horizon in Mexico, and even here in Arizona. Take a look at these distant Cumulonimbus cloud tops yesterday. So, as we like to say around these parts, someone’s getting shafted (rain shafted, that is) An example of conversational… Continue reading Rain: its out of mind, but not out of sight
In case you missed it…yesterday morning’s sunrise
A belated post, to be sure Yesterday morning’s sounding when the Altocumulus clouds were overhead. Bases about -18 C, tops -27 C. Lots of ice visible along with widespread virga. Whenever you see this much ice in small Altocumulus clouds like these, you should automatically assume that the temperature at the top is less than… Continue reading In case you missed it…yesterday morning’s sunrise