No NWS sounding from the U of AZ Weather Department yesterday afternoon, so’s we can’t really tell with solid data what the temperatures of yesterday’s frosty clouds were. However, with a max here in the Heights of Sutherland of 71°F, and with a dry adiabatic lapse rate to the bottoms of the clouds (as is… Continue reading Frosty the Cumulus cloud
Category: Cumulus clouds
Drizzle and Stratocumulus bonanza
No, this is not about Bonanza, the TEEVEE show, “Hoss”, or any of those ranching people, though that might be more interesting than a blog about clouds, gray ones. First of all, the word, “bonanza” would be capitalized (its not on my view of this edit, FYI) if this was a blog about it. Second,… Continue reading Drizzle and Stratocumulus bonanza
Some cloud and shadow photos from yesterday’s windy day; not much else
Behold! Cirrus!
We often have phony dramatizations suggested by titles with exclamation marks, and frankly, today is no exception. I do like Cirrus, though. Hope you do, too. Why like Cirrus1? They provide a lot of nice sunrises and sunsets. EOM. Yesterday’s displays of Cirrus, ending with a scruff of Cumulus toward Pusch Ridge: Rain’s on… Continue reading Behold! Cirrus!
Clouds continue to beguile, even when they’re tiny
As here, just to reinforce that assertion a bit. Its a link to a recent blog by my cloud-obsessed friend and author, Maria Mudd Ruth. I strongly recommend buying a few of her books. Really, I do! But in viewing our deep blue skies, pocked with little fluffy Cumulus clouds over the past two or… Continue reading Clouds continue to beguile, even when they’re tiny
Summer thunderstorms continue to say goodbye in spite of suggestions that they had already said, “goodbye”
Oh, well. When you’re sloppy and asleep at the wheel, think you know more that you really do, that’s what happens, “weather surprises” that shouldn’t be. But, what a gorgeous day again! Really, with the smoky skies gone I am so appreciating a blue sky pocked with Cumulus and Cumulonimbus clouds! Lettuce reprise yesterday in… Continue reading Summer thunderstorms continue to say goodbye in spite of suggestions that they had already said, “goodbye”
Ice-forming cloud street peppers Sutherland Heights with large raindrops, 5:11 to 5:22 PM; trace of rain recorded!
It was quite a surprise to this observer who claims to be a “cloud maven”, but whose credentials must be questioned, even if I do say so myself. Was thinking plain old small to moderate Cu, hold the ice. But in a long cloud street, appearing to emanate from Kitt Peak, some ice started to… Continue reading Ice-forming cloud street peppers Sutherland Heights with large raindrops, 5:11 to 5:22 PM; trace of rain recorded!
Last of the Cumulonimbus
Last call for Cumulus clouds today, maybe a distant Cumulonimbus top off to the north. Then one of those long clear and dry spells of fall gets underway…. The End
Goodbye summer storms; new book out about clouds!
First, I will shamelessly plug a book on clouds, “A Sideways Look at Clouds”, by a well-published and acclaimed author friend, Maria Mudd Ruth. Its about her odyssey into them, mentally and physically, after she realized they were something she really had not paid much attention to before mid-life, then she had to know EVERYTHING… Continue reading Goodbye summer storms; new book out about clouds!
Smoky days continue; TSTM develops overhead, shafts Saddlebrook some
Rain almost certain today and/or tonight in Sutherland Heights. Yesterday’s cloud jumble