One branch of a seemingly bifurcated plume, spread north along the side of Samaniego Ridge. The other branch appeared to moved out of Tucson to Continental Ranch, “thence” northward toward the east side of the Tortolita Mountains. It’s happened before, but is pretty rare, maybe once a year occurrence. (Took an hour for these first… Continue reading Morning smog attack
Category: Smoke
Smoky days continue; TSTM develops overhead, shafts Saddlebrook some
Rain almost certain today and/or tonight in Sutherland Heights. Yesterday’s cloud jumble
Ugh continues in southern AZ
See for yourself: Our persistent easterly flow is dragging smoke that circulated from the Pac NW and MT fires into AZ since that smoke was circulated southward into the southern Plains States as we saw in those back trajectories from a couple of days ago. Some Cumulonimbus clouds are foretold to develop in the region… Continue reading Ugh continues in southern AZ
August disappoints: a look back at a disappointing August, and then a look forward at haze
August rainfall total in Sutherland Heights: A measly 1.10 inches, to editorialize that bit, rather than to just report facts. Average August rain here is 3.16 inches. Egad. End of looking back….”What’s the Use” (Tuxedomoon) said it best, well, maybe. What about the haze? Where’s it coming from and its awful! And its here… Continue reading August disappoints: a look back at a disappointing August, and then a look forward at haze
An interesting day from a cloud modification standpoint, one that doesn’t happen very often
Every once in a great while, we have days where fairly thick clouds do not produce even a sprinkle, even though their tops are a little below freezing, but not quite cold enough for natural ice to form. Yesterday was one of those days. And it was a day you, a cloud maven junior member, … Continue reading An interesting day from a cloud modification standpoint, one that doesn’t happen very often
Banded suns
Jumbo package
Through deliberate deception, the title is likely to bring in quite a few football-centric people, since “jumbo package” is a term used when an offensive team bring in all the “Sumo wrestlers” they have, usually in attempts to score a touchdown from 6 inches outside the goal line. The “jumbo package”, however, is about… Continue reading Jumbo package
A pretty trash Wednesday
Wednesdays here in Catalinaland are, of course, trash and recycling days. And, along with T and R day, we found ourselves amidst some pretty pretty scenes, and in some cases, extraordinary ones,….and a little rain (a trace here in The Heights). I reprise those scenes in case you missed them; you probably did because… Continue reading A pretty trash Wednesday
Creepy Stratus fractus
Well, that cloud WAS “creeping” toward us after suddenly appearing on Pusch Ridge at dawn… Looky here: ———– With Halloween only 10 and half months away, I thought I would “get in the mood” and make up a little creepy-ness for the little kids who read this blog. Hi, kids! Hope you didn’t get… Continue reading Creepy Stratus fractus
Morning smog bank invades Catalina, smokes up clouds real good
I wonder if you noticed the blackish smog layer to the south and southwest of Catalina yesterday? Usually it stays down that way, flowing peacefully toward the northwest from Tucson across Marana and Avra Valley, an area where a close meteorologist friend and his wife just bought a house even though they knew this happens… Continue reading Morning smog bank invades Catalina, smokes up clouds real good