While yesterday did not have the drama of the prior few days, there was aerosol drama anyway, a real battle took place against the forces of evil, represented by air loaded with urban smog, and good, clean air to its north, in which we were initially immersed. A rare fog bank streamed out of Tucson… Continue reading A study in fog and smog
Category: Fog
A pretty trash Wednesday
Wednesdays here in Catalinaland are, of course, trash and recycling days. And, along with T and R day, we found ourselves amidst some pretty pretty scenes, and in some cases, extraordinary ones,….and a little rain (a trace here in The Heights). I reprise those scenes in case you missed them; you probably did because… Continue reading A pretty trash Wednesday
Fog and Cumulus; Mr. Frosty ahead?
An unusual sight yesterday: bulging dawn Cumulus fronted by fog. These Cumulus (not spawned by ground currents) suggest instability aloft, a rapid decline in temperatures with increasing height, which allows the buoyancy of “warmish air” in-cloud surrounded by cooler air to go up, whilst fog1 suggests the opposite; cold, damp, heavy air that can’t go… Continue reading Fog and Cumulus; Mr. Frosty ahead?