Through deliberate deception, the title is likely to bring in quite a few football-centric people, since “jumbo package” is a term used when an offensive team bring in all the “Sumo wrestlers” they have, usually in attempts to score a touchdown from 6 inches outside the goal line. The “jumbo package”, however, is about… Continue reading Jumbo package
Category: Aerosols
Hazy, non-perfect skies continue to plague SE Arizona
First some comparisons of clean and hazy skies so’s you’ll have some idea of what I am talkin’ about in today’s title: Let us see where this Arizona smog might have come from….. Below a TEN day back trajectory plot which ends over Tucson at 5 PM AST yesterday afternoon at two levels, each below… Continue reading Hazy, non-perfect skies continue to plague SE Arizona
Loud May rain totals 0.47 inches in Sutherland Heights, Catalina
After last evening’s surprisingly heavy rain, we have now met our average for May for Catalina, having received 0.47 inches of rain over the past 24 h, some 0.36 inches during some house-shaking thunderclaps last evening. Below are the 24 h local totals, ending at 4 AM today from the Pima County ALERT gauges rolling… Continue reading Loud May rain totals 0.47 inches in Sutherland Heights, Catalina
Smoky “hello” from Asia
While depressed about a waterless trough approaching us today, well, maybe a few hundredths is all that can fall from its passage, I thought I would depress you that bit more by showing how our smoggy world is connected. Perhaps you thought, wrongly, of course, that the smoke layer above us yesterday was from from… Continue reading Smoky “hello” from Asia
Light shower with graupel falls on Catalina Mountains!
Happened around noon yesterday. I could see it from here that the shaft consisted of graupel mixed with some rain. Nice video of this exceptionalism-of-the-day event here from the U of AZ. Its interesting to me, and to you, too, most likely, was that yesterday it was asserted here that there would be no ice… Continue reading Light shower with graupel falls on Catalina Mountains!
A study in fog and smog
While yesterday did not have the drama of the prior few days, there was aerosol drama anyway, a real battle took place against the forces of evil, represented by air loaded with urban smog, and good, clean air to its north, in which we were initially immersed. A rare fog bank streamed out of Tucson… Continue reading A study in fog and smog
A pretty trash Wednesday
Wednesdays here in Catalinaland are, of course, trash and recycling days. And, along with T and R day, we found ourselves amidst some pretty pretty scenes, and in some cases, extraordinary ones,….and a little rain (a trace here in The Heights). I reprise those scenes in case you missed them; you probably did because… Continue reading A pretty trash Wednesday
The perfect rain
The “perfect storm”? Well, maybe the perfect rain, and it kept giving fro several hours yesterday after our best model said it should end yesterday before 11 AM. And what a nice rain! 1.18 inches total here in Sutherland Heights, as measured by a CoCoRahs plastic 4 inch gauge. (You might consider getting one, btw,… Continue reading The perfect rain
Special low cloud base day ahead; yesterday’s pretty cloud scenes
Today will be a special one in the desert. Cumulus bases are going to be really LOW for summer, maybe only 3-4 kft above the ground, and likely warmer than 15 C (50 F). Maybe 50 F doesn’t sound special, but it is. A base temperature of summer clouds that warm is rarely observed… Continue reading Special low cloud base day ahead; yesterday’s pretty cloud scenes
Dusty Sunset..
..will be playing your favorite western tunes in the inimitable style of Johnny Cash at the Whistling Cactus Bar and Hitching Post this Friday and Saturday… :} (Hahahaha; “inimitable style of Johnny Cash”; that means Cash’s style can’t be imitated!)1 6:37 AM: I see now that there’s a lot more dust than last evening! Wow.… Continue reading Dusty Sunset..