About real clouds, weather, cloud seeding and science autobio life stories by WMO consolation prize-winning meteorologist, Art Rangno
The perfect rain
The “perfect storm”? Well, maybe the perfect rain, and it kept giving fro several hours yesterday after our best model said it should end yesterday before 11 AM. And what a nice rain! 1.18 inches total here in Sutherland Heights, as measured by a CoCoRahs plastic 4 inch gauge. (You might consider getting one, btw, or one from the U of A’s rainlog.org)
Went down to the CDO and Sutherland Washes to see what was up after seeing the gargantuan 4.96 inch total on Ms. Lemmon, and the 3.62 inches at the Samaniego Peak gauge. Below is the resul for the Sutherland, both were the same, nary a drop in them:
The weather WAY ahead, too far ahead to even speculate about:
NOAA spaghetti plots still suggesting a pretty good chance of rain here around the 23-25th of this month. Nothing before then.
The End, after some improper speculation.
Author: Art Rangno
Retiree from a group specializing in airborne measurements of clouds and aerosols at the University of Washington (Cloud and Aerosol Research Group). The projects in which I participated were in many countries; from the Arctic to Brazil, from the Marshall Islands to South Africa.
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