Pancakes with ice; testing your ice IQ

AKA, Cumulus humilis virgae, or, with virga. While there were plenty of small Cumulus around yesterday, it wasn’t until after 1 PM that trace amounts of virga could be seen starting to emit from them as they got colder during the day. I think I did, too.  By the end of the day, cloud BOTTOMS… Continue reading Pancakes with ice; testing your ice IQ

Snow and golf; a brief tirade, and yesterday’s clouds and why

I smiled seeing the groundskeepers scurrying about, sweeping and scraping snow off the courses and environs at the Dove Mountain golf tournament yesterday.   I was smiling because the golf culture here is so different from that in Seattle, Washington, much more “pampering” here.   Due to frequent inclement weather in Seattle, we have to toughen… Continue reading Snow and golf; a brief tirade, and yesterday’s clouds and why

An unforgettable snow day in Catalina, Arizona

Three separate bands of snow in one day?  Unforgettable, if not unbelievable, for Catalina, Arizona, made more so because its late February occurrence.  Here at the top of Wilds Road we received a total of 5.5 inches from those three bands, with a peak amount of 4 inches on the “ground” (actually it was measured… Continue reading An unforgettable snow day in Catalina, Arizona

Cold slam

That’s your weather forecast for today.  There’s nothing you can do about it.  Why go on about it? Next, these from yesterday–was under control, only took 127 photos.  Every thousand or so shots I take is NOT of a cloud, and yesterday there were two exceptions, which I will post here as an anomaly; a… Continue reading Cold slam

“The Ghost of Perlucidus” (along with some history)

On a movie-sounding title theme again today, or this title could be the title of a bedtime story for kids, one that alludes to the Greek citizen bee keeper, Perlucidus, due to his early work in distributing hives, honey and honeycombs.  Some cloud patterns resemble honeycombs, and so when Luke Howard decided to create a… Continue reading “The Ghost of Perlucidus” (along with some history)

Yesterday: a rare drizzle occurrence in the morning and later, gorgeous Cumulus-filled skies

First of all, Happy New Year to both readers! Thanks for hanging in there. The weather ahead… before a long diatribe about drizzle, followed by some pretty pictures with explanations: Some picaresque Cirrus later today. Looks like next chance for rain is around the 10th-11th of Jan. A rare drizzle occurrence Cloud maven juniors were… Continue reading Yesterday: a rare drizzle occurrence in the morning and later, gorgeous Cumulus-filled skies

“Plenty more where that came from”

The models are showing a lot of rain ahead over the next two weeks–see farther down.  In the meantime, this: 6:44 AM:  back side of last rain blob passing over Catalina now.  That should be it for today and the next several days. It was STILL raining when I got up at 3:40 AM, another… Continue reading “Plenty more where that came from”

Lots of thunder and bluster but only a trace in Catalina

Heard thunder for about 12 h it seemed yesterday, but little came of it.  Even the rainshafts looked anemic for the most part for the second day in a row. Current 24 h rainfall totals from the Pima County ALERT gages here.  U of AZ network here.  “Coco” for Pima, here. Got hopeful after a disappointing… Continue reading Lots of thunder and bluster but only a trace in Catalina

“Feint” rainbow

For a few minutes yesterday afternoon, it looked like some unexpected rain was trucking over the Cat Mountains from the east-northeast late yesterday afternoon.  No one could blame you for getting your hopes up and misleading your neighborhood by saying it might rain in half an hour.  Those clouds rolling in from the Catalinas (shown… Continue reading “Feint” rainbow

Every which way but here

Of course, alluding today in the title to the great western movie with John Wayne… Every which way you looked yesterday afternoon, there was a great rainshaft.  1.85 inches fell in one hour at Picture Rocks Community Center yesterday afternoon,  2.01 inches total.  Several stations around the county had another 1-2 inches yesterday.  You can… Continue reading Every which way but here