Oh, yeah, baby! 1979! The Sex Pistols with Johnny Rotten and punk bands like Black Flag were on the rise!
My belated review of “Weather Modification” has to be done, IMO: i.e., corrections and comments, to complete a peer-reviewed article that was published in the journal, Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, using literature available to the authors at the time of the article was submitted/published that they omitted or didn’t know about.
As an aside, omitting stuff happens a LOT in the domain of “weather modification/cloud seeding.” A recent example, to go into a minor rant, was in the peer-reviewed article by Benjamini et al. 2023 (J. Appl. Meteor. and Climate) who reported a null result of randomized cloud seeding in Israel. Benjamini et al. could not bring themselves to cite my 1995 article with Prof. Peter V. Hobbs (same journal), that concluded cloud seeding increases previously reported by Israeli scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem were illusory. Thus, there was no reason to think cloud seeding would work in another randomized experiment. Sure, it’s painful for them to cite my work, but still….same old same old; omit, omit, omit. Science is not always what you think it should be!
As an expert in some elements that are addressed in the 1979 article, I am happy to be able to improve and clarify it for readers of historic material, should they find it, before the Grim Reaper drops by. Here is the full article, which overall is quite good, except for those areas I am intimately familiar with:
A review and enhancement of the “weather modification” review by Grant and Cotton_1979_one column
I am quite candid about WHY I am doing a series of these “reviews and enhancements” of historic material as you will read above. I tend to get carried away, and so all the minutiae I discuss might be “painful,” too. I do my best, though.