I first noticed the craft as I was driving up Golder Ranch Drive. At first I thought it was just an Altocumulus lenticularis… Really didn’t think that much about it. We seem them over there all the time.
But it was unusually smooth, I thought, and had a slightly humped up portion on the top I could see after I zoomed in on it. Could it be a cloaked alien space vehicle? Time would tell.
A lenticular expands and contracts while hovering over the same spot. This can go on for hours! But, as you will see, over the next 20 minutes, this cloud, or “craft” did not change in any way, clearly evidence of a cloaked space vehicle! Way too smooth to be a real cloud!
Since it didn’t seem to be doing anything, maybe just spying on me and us as do virtually all institutional entities these days, I lost interest in it and continued doing yard work….

Later, completely different looking clouds came over, Altocumulus tending toward castellanus variety…making the early afternoon smooth-looking cloud more anomalous.

PS: It been said that the UFO craze began with an Altocumulus lenticular cloud in the lee of Mt Rainier in the late 1940s. Why not see if we can start a new craze right here in Catalina? Been abducted lately?
The End, for now
Pretty good looking “UFO”, Art. But in a lot of the books I used to read on the subject, those unidentified craft were often described more as “cigar shaped”. That cloud doesn’t quite look like a cigar to me. 🙂
Haha, good point, Roland. Who can forget the “cigar”!