Stuck in the middle; only 0.03 inches in Catalina from Kansas skies

“Shafts to the left of me, shafts to the right of me, but here I am, stuck in the middle with you.”  (Yeah, and without any rain.)   Who can’t forget Stealers Wheel?  Most everybody I guess. Here is an example of a “middle”, an empty region between rainshafts in this case.  You don’t want… Continue reading Stuck in the middle; only 0.03 inches in Catalina from Kansas skies

Yesterday’s drama, forecasting for picnics, etc.

In case you missed it, and you probably did because you were still in bed while I was doing things for you, there was a pretty sunrise to start the day yesterday, one that would not disappoint later by being a dry one.  After all, we’re here in the peak of our summer rain season.… Continue reading Yesterday’s drama, forecasting for picnics, etc.

Another dramatic Catalina weather day-the book

OK, this one’s a little long, lots of twists and turns in the weather plot before its over….but as the Arthur, I felt they were needed (that is so funny! 🙁 We’ll start with the “end” of the book; cut to the chase: the mods have another possible big day this afternoon,  Check it out… Continue reading Another dramatic Catalina weather day-the book

Is it India? Or is it Catalina?

Let’s have a contest, get the brain going. With dewpoints hovering near, and even eeking into the low 70s in AZ, with giant thunderstorms complexing our weather with sudden stupifying downpours, one wonders, after all of these blogs, this “body of work” if you will,  if the several people who comprise the Cloud-Maven blogpire, one… Continue reading Is it India? Or is it Catalina?

Catalina traces out while flooding occurs nearby again

Flash news:  Nearly CONTINUOUS lightning from a localized spot at 3:30 AM just NW of the Tortolita Mountains.  Amazing for this time of day.  Continuous lightning is a rare event, especially here, mostly seen with big complexes of thunderheads.  And this small thunderstorm just erupted at that time “out of the blue”,  according to its… Continue reading Catalina traces out while flooding occurs nearby again

In the Dead Zone yesterday; evap coolers to fail again today as more humidity moves in

You can the excessive humidity we have here on this nice map from the U of AZ this morning.  Its represented by dewpoint temperatures, the temperature at which the air must be cooled to have condensation.  Our dewpoints, up from yesterday are running in the mid-60s;  66 F at TUS and 65 F here in… Continue reading In the Dead Zone yesterday; evap coolers to fail again today as more humidity moves in