Small Cumulus to distant north this afternoon!

On going theme here: excessive excitement over not much.  Might need binoculars to see them, but they’ll be up there over the higher terrain I am pretty sure, maybe even a 2-minute Cumulus fractus over Ms. Lemmon.

Today will be one of those days you write home about, if your home is not here, and you haven’t gone back to Wisconsin yet.  The sky should be so blue today as it dries out aloft and the Cirrus goes away, with the temperature “just fine” as a weak trough passes by over the next day taking the temperature down some.

No rain in the “Big Trough”, the one that sits on Catalina in about a week (April 8th and 9th), sorry to say.  It crashes down on us a little too far to the east, so there’ll just be real cold air for April here, and a sky dotted with a few clouds, ones likely to sport virga.   This will be a good time to tell your eastern and northern friends, or ones in Europe1, the latter place where they are having one of the coldest springs ever, that it will be brutally cold here, so cold that the high temperature might only get to 73 F (21 C)  during the afternoon of the coldest day, Monday or Tuesday of next week).  (OK, its a cruel joke…but kind of fun anyway.  I tell my brother in NC things like that all the time.)

Still pretty green in isolated spots in the desert, though most everything looks stressed now.  Here are some examples of how green it is in those isolated spots.  When you’re walking around in places like this, there’s hardly any sunlight that gets through the canopy, and in some area, the purple flowers are the size of helicopters at the top of it (view from hot air balloon).  Amazing.

Jungle vegetation seen on a recent hike/ride
Jungle-like vegetation seen on a recent hike/ride near the back gate of Catalina State Park.

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For comparison, a photo by the author of the jungle in the northern state of Rondonia, Brazil, 1995, taken while skimming tree tops in U of WA research aircraft collecting data on biomass burning.  Of course, the jungle’s likely gone now, but… (and what a sad thought):

Near Porto Velho, Rondonia, Brazil, 1995.
Near Porto Velho, Rondonia, Brazil, 1995.  No flowers at top of canopy here, just bugs, birds and smoke.

Yesterday’s clouds


Our desert, even in drought, showing its tinge of spring green, followed by a nice sunset.

6:12 PM.
6:12 PM.
6:55 P. M.
6:55 P. M.

The End.


1Unintended consequences, described here when we’re planning for later warmth, much later, when brutally cold weather is still going to occur from time to time, and always will, as in Europe now.  I thought it was a pretty fair read so am passing it along (this from Mark Albright, climate folk hero from the U of WA).  Some models predict that while the Arctic warms over the decades, the land masses nearby will still see extreme cold (as the Chinese scientists recently asserted concerning THEIR extreme winter cold); we don’t want to forget those susceptible to cold.  What a mess this planet is in!  Dammitall!  End of editorial content.


Author: Art Rangno

Retiree from a group specializing in airborne measurements of clouds and aerosols at the University of Washington (Cloud and Aerosol Research Group). The projects in which I participated were in many countries; from the Arctic to Brazil, from the Marshall Islands to South Africa.