Some recent clouds that have floated over Catalina, AZ

Many of you are starved to see some low clouds rather than a few  Cirrus or Altocumulus clouds under a blazing sun, about 27 million degrees F in the core, only 10,000 F at the surface we call the “photosphere”, what we see up there.  (And you think its hot in Arizona!)

So, I thought I would provide some relief in this time lapse video of the clouds of Seattle from yesterday, as provided by the University of Washington’s Weather Department.  You’ll see some great Stratus, maybe some Stratocumulus, and later, little bulging Cumulus that rise up to as much as 5,000 feet (!) above the ground.  Maybe some of your neighbors are temperature refugees in Seattle now, so it will be great to see what they are experiencing and logging in their cloud diaries.  And, we’ll be checking this day when they get back, for sure.

The current dry spell begins to fade as the days go by now.. In the meantime, since this site is mainly for the display of pretty clouds and not of any other value, here are some shots from the past few days. Have left the captions for you to formulate in silence.

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Best not to do too much with this caption.
Best not to do too much with this caption.

The End.

By Art Rangno

Retiree from a group specializing in airborne measurements of clouds and aerosols at the University of Washington (Cloud and Aerosol Research Group). The projects in which I participated were in many countries; from the Arctic to Brazil, from the Marshall Islands to South Africa.