Kind of an abnormal, pithy, succinct blog today. Average WY precip in Catalina, which I meant to add to this chart, is 16.69 inches, so this past WY was a tad above normal.
The End
About real clouds, weather, cloud seeding and science autobio life stories by WMO consolation prize-winning meteorologist, Art Rangno
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Thank you for yet another monsoon season of insights and chuckles.
As chief CM, I know you’ll appreciate Mike Olbinski’s new compilation,
Simpluy marvelous cloud watching
Thanks, Russ for your words. For some reason, coffee, maybe the second cup, in fact, is loaded with (sophomoric) humor.
Yes, Mike Oblinkski’s work is astoundingly gorgeous. I have thought about time lapse for some time, and now have a device for that. But those would be from here.
Man, he catches some incredibly beautiful and dramatic scenes. He is my idol in that regard.