Augustober weather continues on October 18th

Truly LATE breaking news,  untimely really,  but Augustober 18th was too special a day to ignore: Giant clouds, dense rain shafts,  frequent lightning in the area throughout the afternoon,  dewpoints in the high 50s to 60 F; can it really be after the middle of October?  Or, is this some kind of preview of climate… Continue reading Augustober weather continues on October 18th


Rarely do passing lows get a two chances to produce rain, but the low passing overhead today and tomorrow, does. Ten days from now, its overhead again! How funny izzat? And precipful, too. Measurable rain will fall today in Catalina CDP (“Census Designated Place”, i.e., its not a city), and in about 10 days when… Continue reading Twofer

Your evening sililoquoy with a Cumulonimbus

Along with this photo sequence,  I reprise the thoughts you had as a CMJ1 yesterday as you watched a truly stunning cloud drama evolve: Nice morning, though, breezy, humid (dewpoint 65 F) with “flat heaps” (Stratocu) topping Sam Ridge now.  What will happen today?  Mods think some showers will form in the mid-afternoon here and… Continue reading Your evening sililoquoy with a Cumulonimbus

A day of cloud magnificence and error

Morning thunder, evening thunder; 0.84 inches of rain, 1-2 inches in the mountains, with some of the most dramatic skies and shocking cloud changes ever seen (by me).  “But,  hey, enough of ‘me’, lets get on with the ‘shockumentary’”,  as Rob Reiner might say. Scene 1: Its morning.  A horsey ride has been planned with… Continue reading A day of cloud magnificence and error

Lucky snap; studies in orange

From the past three days, these: In other news….. Record July rains are falling in much of the coastal and intermediate valleys of southern California as the pathetic remnant of once proud Category FOUR hurricane Dolores makes landfall there today.  Places like San Diego have had well over an inch, unheard of in July.  August,… Continue reading Lucky snap; studies in orange

“Just another day”, pretty much like the day before

“Just Another Day“, btw, one of the many great songs by Oingo Boingo, if you’ve ever heard of them.  We’re not just about clouds here.  Trying to broaden your pop cultural knowledge with distractions like this. Yesterday was remarkable  in how exact it was to the day before in clouds, but ultimately disappoiting.1  There was… Continue reading “Just another day”, pretty much like the day before

Some cloud scenes from yesterday; a forecast map gone awry?

0.07 inches here in Sutherland Heights yesterday afternoon. Much more SW-NW of us, as the photos below show. A predicted super hurricane? I now direct your attention to the forecast maps below, produced by the WRF-GFS model last evening’s global data, courtesy of IPS MeteoStar, the usual.  The aforementioned extremely strong hurricane foretold in the… Continue reading Some cloud scenes from yesterday; a forecast map gone awry?