A 35 year record of Catalina rainfall and what it reveals

Thanks to our friends at Our Garden just off Columbus Blvd. here in Catalina, about 1 mi northwest of my location, we have a rainfall record that goes back to the later 1970s.   This is fantastic because there are no official reporting stations nearby that reflect our rainfall climate, one this close to the Catalina… Continue reading A 35 year record of Catalina rainfall and what it reveals

Wobbly storm drenches Catalina with 0.62 inches of rain!

The above could be a headline in the Catalina Cryer; but that erratic storm that sent sheets of middle and high clouds over us everyday for a week it seemed, finally came through with a stupefyingly good rain.  I just could not believe how that storm kept “giving” all day and into the evening yesterday,… Continue reading Wobbly storm drenches Catalina with 0.62 inches of rain!

Chance of rain likely

Sorry for that silliness in the title, but I’m afraid those model runs that had our storm staying too far south to give us a “significant” rain were correct.  So we are stuck with only a chance of rain, nothing “sure” about it today or tomorrow.  Surely, there will be a little here and there… Continue reading Chance of rain likely

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Don’t like the overnight model runs; greatly reduce precip for Catalinians

So, I am just going to ignore them until the next model runs, and not say anything right now.  Feeling chastened (once again) after all the rain enthusiasm I had. Clouds?  Look for a lot of Altostratus/Cirrostratus (ice clouds) way up there; might look dark at times, but too high to precip, namely the kind… Continue reading Don’t like the overnight model runs; greatly reduce precip for Catalinians

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Potent storm still in cards for SE AZ and Catalina!

First, lots of cirrus clouds overhead.  Get ready for a great sunrise photo. AZ incoming storm update:  Yay! (overall impression) Now that the US and Canadian models are “converging” a bit to a similar depiction of where the highs and lows and upper level features will be come this Saturday,  a good rain seems in… Continue reading Potent storm still in cards for SE AZ and Catalina!

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Canadian model returns to the “good” AZ storm” prediction; spaghetti mentioned

After re-thinking the powerful storm yesterday based on the morning’s new data and making it a semi-marginal one, most of the rain to the south, the Canadian model run came back last night with a powerful AZ storm again!   Forecasters who want lots of rain here in AZ and Catalina can get manic-depressive during… Continue reading Canadian model returns to the “good” AZ storm” prediction; spaghetti mentioned

45; nice in hundredths and a Canadian teaser prog

A second nice rain here in droughty Catalina!  Thought 25 hundredths would be great from that little rainband, but no, we milked that system, appropriate language for rural regions, for no less than 45 hundredths, both here on Wilds Road and in Sutherland Heights.   Very Seattle-like morning, too, with DARK low hanging clouds.  Now… Continue reading 45; nice in hundredths and a Canadian teaser prog

Rain ahoy!

Just on the horizon.  You were probably worried when you got up at 2:30 AM and saw only a big moon and no clouds.  “Where’s the rain?”, you wondered.   “She’ll be coming around the mountains when she comes” , to quote the lyrics from that old western song about Clementine (the Tortolitas and those… Continue reading Rain ahoy!