Well, it will be pretty obvious, ludicrously so to spaghetti lovers, the sequence shown below. It goes from “warm in the West (again); cold in the East pattern to another undercutting flow from the Pacific, the kind we’re having right now under the “soft underbelly” of a big blocking high, except that the tropical flow… Continue reading Dry, dry, hot, dry, all mixed up, then, blammo, the storms roll in again
Category: Spaghetti plots
Thunderblasts after midnight awaken sleeping Catalinans with 50 mph winds, graupel, and R++; latest storm total now 1.38 inches!
In case you don’t believe me that over an inch fell, this digital record from Sutherland Heights with writing on it: Probably a little more to come, too. Got some blow damage, I’m sure. Will be looking for roof shingles around the yard today. And, as everyone knows from their favorite TEEVEE weatherperson, “New Storm… Continue reading Thunderblasts after midnight awaken sleeping Catalinans with 50 mph winds, graupel, and R++; latest storm total now 1.38 inches!
Lot of uncertainty showing up in spaghetti
For fans of NOAA spaghetti, this plot generated from last evening’s global data. Really, the uncertainty is overwhelming: Every so often one of these goofy ones comes out, a real knee-slapper. The real situation is that we have a series of storms on the doorstep, the stronger ones barging in on the 20th or so,… Continue reading Lot of uncertainty showing up in spaghetti
Snowbirds to be upset by snow and cold in early December
Wasn’t going to blather about clouds and weather for a few days since there wasn’t any, just sit around and wait for those end of November storms to get here, then regale you with cloudy pictures. But when I went to the NOAA spaghetti factory just now, I was blown away, beside myself, when I… Continue reading Snowbirds to be upset by snow and cold in early December
May in November to end; rain dead ahead
Rain? Cumulative totals predicted here from the University of Arizona Hydro and Weather Dept. Starts overnight Sunday. For those too lazy to review the information at the link above, here is a map of the rainfall totals ending at 11 PM, November 21st: Note that within this swath, Catalina is predicted to get over an… Continue reading May in November to end; rain dead ahead
Rain chances during last week of October maintaining
Well, I think so, anyway, and those rain chances seem to carry right into the first week of November. I think you can see that in these graphics from NOAA based on last night’s global data. As in “Where’s Waldo”, can you find the State of Arizona? The US? The End (of this update)
October 2016 to close out with rain!
Threat! (omitted portion of the headline above) Check this out: You got yer ridgy flow on the top (“top” meaning, “Canada”, around where that yellow line humps toward the north) and yer broadly cyclonic flow on the bottom (“bottom” meaning, “Baja Cal and Mexico”) that is, across the whole western part of North America. This… Continue reading October 2016 to close out with rain!
This September 8-10 model-projected Arizona deluge caused by a dying tropical storm? Then followed by four more days of rain around here? Probably. But you wait a lifetime to see model outputs like this, and so I’m going to save it here, even if it is “fantastic”, “phantasmagorical”, surely imaginary in a sense, is… Continue reading Phantasmagorical?
More cool days ahead after hot spell
Wasn’t going to blog today Mom’s Day in case you forgot, but got pretty excited when I saw this just now. You will, too. As purported earlier, this May might not be so bad, sans a coupla hot spells. So, hang on when it gets hot, relief is likely on the way! Weak Cumulonimbus clouds… Continue reading More cool days ahead after hot spell
All I can say is, “wow”
Partly its because I can’t think of anything else, brain pretty empty, but check this out: Measurable rain to fall in the Sutherland Heights, Catalina, in May 2016! OK, got that “scoop” out…. Here’s the link to NOAA from whence the above map came. BTW, here’s what a split flow storm looks like as… Continue reading All I can say is, “wow”